Preventive Care Medical Programmes

Your investment in health prevention is the most important part of self-care for you and your family. We offer complex preventive programmes that are evidence-based and recommendations from specialized international medical associations targeted on the prevention of the most serious diseases, such as cardiovascular, oncological, metabolic (diabetes), musculoskeletal diseases etc. …

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Personalized Medical Treatment

Our partners, university hospitals and research centers have over the years developed innovative, state-of-theart, personalized medicine that is constantly evolving to tailor your equally changing medical needs.
Travel 4 Care hospital consortium includes a big number of facilities with a broad spectrum of top quality medical care in all medical fields, ranging from emergency treatment to rehabilitation and…

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Medical Rehabilitation Care

Our Medical Rehabilitation hospitals and centers offer multi-disciplinary and evidence-based therapy services that covers full spectrum of therapeutic areas for both adults and children. Led by a team of senior academic physiatrists, consultants and experts in physical therapy, we provide complete therapy programs and continuum of therapies ranging from acute care hospitalization to sub- acute and chronic care. Travel 4 Care Rehabilitation …

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Medical Spa Treatment

The partner Travel 4 Care Medical Spa facilities operates under the full-time, on-site supervision of Physicians and licensed health care professionals whose primary purpose is to provide comprehensive medical spa and spa care by utilizing Europe’s natural spring and other natural resources, as well as traditional, complimentary and alternative therapies and treatments such us acupuncture, homeopathy and/or therapeutic …

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