Personalized Medical Treatment

Our partners, university hospitals and research centers have over the years developed innovative, state-of-theart, personalized medicine that is constantly evolving to tailor your equally changing medical needs.

Travel 4 Care hospital consortium includes a big number of facilities with a broad spectrum of top quality medical care in all medical fields, ranging from emergency treatment to rehabilitation and out-patient care. We are in everyday cooperation with the best specialists worldwide mainly in the areas of Cardiology, Oncology,

Cardiovascular surgery, Orthopedics, Neurosurgery, ENT, Internal medicine, Obstetric/gynecology, Bariatric surgery (weight reducing techniques), Aesthetic Plastic or Reconstructive surgery, IVF, to name a few.

One day Clinic / No hospitalization

All the treatments described below are based on One Day Clinic procedures or minimal days of Hospitalization are necessary for the treatment. That offers the patient a quick and simple as possible operative procedure, instant relief on the health problem, no hospital complications and comfort of other activities on place.

Medical Treatment Packages

Cosmetic plastic surgery

The procedures, techniques, and principles of cosmetic surgery are entirely focused on enhancing a patient’s appearance. Improving aesthetic appeal, symmetry, and proportion are the key goals. Cosmetic surgery can be performed on all areas of the head, neck, and body. Because the treated areas function properly, cosmetic surgery is elective. Cosmetic surgery is practiced by doctors from a variety of medical fields, including plastic surgeons.

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Hair Implantation

The surgery of hair transplantation is performed using the innovative techniques of transplantation of the follicular unit of the hair by the dermatologist – dermatologic surgeon Dr Ioannis Papangelopoulos and his team. The experience of many years in hair transplants and the thousands of operations that we have carried out in Greece and Cyprus over the past few years have classified us into one of the best centers for hair transplant in Europe.

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In vitro fertilization is a widely used fertilization technique worldwide effectively resolving a number of current infertility issues. In brief, female ovaries are fertilized under laboratory conditions and then placed in the endometrium. The treatment objective is to achieve pregnancy by transferring one or more embryos to the future mother’s uterus.

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Osteoarthritis (OA) is already one of the ten most disabling diseases in developed countries. 80% of the population suffering from OA has limitations in movement which results in inability of performing major activities in life. That’s the main reason we have established a Center for Regenerative Orthopaedics, in Zurich Switzerland and in the center of Athens Greece, since 2012, concentrated on helping arthritic and sports injured people to get back to a functional level of life and their activities and simple medical actions, as a daily orthopedic practice.

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BPH can cause severe prostatic symptoms as well as obstructive voiding symptoms in many patients. Those symptoms are due to prostatic gland enlargement, leading to a reduced urine flow from the prostatic urethra.

Symptoms: Frequency, Nocturia, Urgency, Hesitancy, Decreased force and caliber of stream, Sensation of incomplete bladder emptying, Pain or burning during urination, Urine leak as a result of overflow.

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