Regenerative Orthopaedics using stem cells & Biologics


Osteoarthritis (OA) is already one of the ten most disabling diseases in developed countries.

80% of the population suffering from OA has limitations in movement which results in inability of performing major activities in life.

That’s the main reason we have established a Center for Regenerative Orthopaedics, in Zurich Switzerland and in the center of Athens Greece, since 2012, concentrated on helping arthritic and sports injured people to get back to a functional level of life and their activities and simple medical actions, as a daily orthopedic practice.

Our Advanced Regenerative Cellular, using non surgical or minimally invasive techniques.

Medical Procedures:

An extended medical consultation (orthopaedic surgeon, biologist, plastic surgeon, anesthesiologist and micro-nutritionist) and all necessary radiological examinations and blood and urine tests will be performed at the arrival day. A mini liposuction and/or bone marrow aspiration for autologous stem cell collection will be also performed and reinjected to the affected joint/joints after the proper preparation.

All these above mentioned things, urge people suffering from arthritis, to try to find a new treatment approach having the following features:

  • simple medical action and not a complicate surgical procedure
  • minimal invasive procedure
  • short hospitalization
  • minimal blood loss
  • no need for external orthotic devices
  • short rehabilitation protocols
  • no use of metallic-prosthetic devices
  • no complications
  • a shelf-repair process
  • easy repeat of treatment procedure, for better clinical result


All the biologic applications can be performed as an O.D.C (One Day Clinic) procedure.

The procedure must be performed again in the same manner, 7-10 days after the first stage, using other biologic products, such as P.R.P ( platelet rich plasma), or secretomics, or cytokines and/or proliferated autologous stem cells plus hyaluronic acid, depending on  patient’s arthritis severity. Micronutrient supplementation could be also prescribed, in accordance with cellular deficiency.

Accommodation in the place of treatment, all the transfer needs, translators and 24/7 personal assistance will be arranged, ensuring a quick, effortless and efficient experience.


Patient’s medical record file would be appreciated if available at the beginning.

The application method depends on the affected joint. So it can be performed under local anesthesia for the knee, or other small superficial joints, using an ultrasound guidance, or under sedation (N.L.A) and fluoroscopy, or CT scan guidance, if the affected joint is hip, shoulder or vertebrae column.